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5 Ways Executive Teams Can Align Strategy with Vision

If you are clear on the big mistake that most Executive teams are making, you know that leaders are their most effective when they use the company’s mission and vision statement to make every informed decision- and they encourage employees to do the same. This type of Vision-based decision-making process begins to align the company’s culture to pursue a common goal. So how else can you make sure everyone is working towards the same purpose?

Executive Team Alignment

Here are 5 things Executive teams can do to align culture with strategy:

  • Give the big picture strategy to every employee

Share a complete overview of the company’s strategy with every employee. Invite questions so that people can see, take ownership of, and become invested in achieving success together.

  • Get the right people in the right roles

Learn the strengths of your team with a diagnostic such as CliftonStrengths. Leading from your strengths will help you to get things done productively, so shift responsibilities accordingly. This will help team members to provide a greater contribution to the company’s goals and feel more invested in its success.

  • Choose the right milestones

Define short and long-term measurable outcomes for each step of the process. Prioritize each person’s objectives by clearly defining which pieces of the overall business strategy are most critical for their role.

  • Communicate often

Schedule regular town halls and one-on-one meetings with team leads and employees. Ask what challenges they are facing and what tools they may need to do their best work to achieve the company’s goals.

  • Be willing to adapt

Invest resources into the executive leadership and teams who feel empowered and motivated by their roles and the responsibilities they have. Your best players may even have better ideas on achieving your strategic goals; be ready to adapt your strategy not just based on the competitive environment but also on your people.

Do your employees know what the future of your organization looks like? Are they inspired by that vision and strategy to get there? Take our FREE Vision, Alignment, and Motivation assessment to see if your employees live out your company’s vision and execute its strategy every day.

For more information on how to empower your employees, review our programs or join us for our next free 30-minute Play Break! Below, you can Watch Ziksana’s Founder, Akshay Sateesh, discuss how to make sure everyone on your team is working towards the same purpose.

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